My interest for mechanical engineering started at a very young age and has progressed over the years.


With years of experience in heavy industries "on the floor" working on milling machines, lathe, different welding techniques and sheet-metal work combined with CAD it was inevitable to start Pro Primo Design AB in 2008.


Needless to say this type of background has given me the opportunity to work hands-on with my design, test, verify and upmost important, support the manufactures with the correct feedback.

This has been highly appreciated by my customers as the lead-time to final product has been shortened multiple times.


"one resource covers three"

  • Mechanical designer
  • Test engineer
  • Project manager


I personally feel that to be a good Mechanical Engineer it is an absolute necessity get your hands dirty with your own design to able to know what is actually faceable in reality.


This is why Pro Primo Design can truly establish itself as:

"out of the box thinking"

